Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Water Man

Water and Riyadh don't seem to go together but today's water saga was a little bit different to the previous ones.
Val and I were getting ready to go to meet some friends for lunch at Fahl compound.......  I know it was a work day but during Ramadam we get a five hour break before shift two and as much as it sounds has put a huge strain on all the instructors, we have all been exhausted and some nights not getting to sleep till around 4am.  I have even managed to over lay on one occasion......start time at 12pm and the girls ring me at 12.20pm to see if I was ok....that's how tired I feel.....Anyway back to the water story.
I hear Val talking to someone in the living area and don't recognise the voice but do recognise it is that of an Indian Man.  Val calls me and I go out to see what she needs......who is this strange man and how did he get into the accommodation?  The only time we see a man in our accommodation is when he comes to fix the air conditioning (quite often) and he is always accompanied by two cleaning ladies.  So the strange Indian man in our accommodation starts to become slightly worrying.  It appears that the strange man has got through security to see if we need to buy some water (we buy large bottles to save us carrying it from the supermarket).  The man is trying to hold Val's hand and then he tries to pull her towards him to, what looks like, kiss her on the cheek.  Val quickly pulls away and looks grateful that I have appeared.  I tell the man to get us two bottles of water and Val goes off to her room to get some money.  When the man returns he then attempts to take me by the hand and then proceeds to tell me he loves me......His age, around 55, his ethnicity, Indian, his height, around 5ft 5", his smell, definitely Putrid!!!!! with a capital P.  I give him the money and ask him politely to leave but at this point he is pretending that he doesn't understand a word I am saying.  He uses hand gestures which suggest he would like a drink of water so I respond with hand gestures comprising of two fingers that suggest he best leave and then point towards the door.  He decides it is not time to leave and starts to head toward Valentina's I raise my voice a little and suggest he leaves before I give him a kick in the nuts!!!
Val appears a little shell shocked by what has just happened as she was the first to encounter him and was praying that I heard her call me when he tried to kiss her.  We decide to mention this to the security guard on our way out and he immediately picks up the phone and calls the Indian Water Delivery Man.  The security guard is shouting and it appears that he is telling the water man not to do this again.  I am just thankful that Val nor I were alone in the accommodation as who knows what would have occurred.
We were informed that we could have reported said man to the police firstly because it was Ramadam and any sexual intentions towards women are definitely not allowed and this would have made his punishment ten fold and secondly he could have been charged with harassment.
So we have drinking water in our accommodation albeit it a little eventful, the accommodation smells rancid but the lesson learnt for today is if they are 5ft 5" their nuts are well in range of a size 5 shoe!!

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